Category: Workshops

Workshop – Managing the People Side of Product Management

October 2016 WorkshopManaging the People Side of Product ManagementMary Winby, PhD, Partner at Ewins and Winby(no event review)

Workshop – Breakthrough Insights and Practices for Today’s Movers and Shakers!

November 2015 WorkshopBreakthrough Insights and Practices for Today’s Movers and Shakers!Pierre Khawand, Founder & CEO, People-OnTheGo (Slides not available)#Workshop #Leadership #Tools #Career #Performance #Metrics #Market_Analysis #Project_Mgmt #Thought_Leadership #Programs #Initiatives

Workshop – Business Writing

June 2014 Workshop Barry Mohn, Speak and Write #Communication #Org #Marketing #Sales #Thought_Leadership #Tools

Workshop – Making Products and Marketing More Human

May 2013 WorkshopMaking Products and Marketing More HumanKathy Klotz-Guest, founder of Keeping It Human#Marketing #Communication #Startups #Entrepreneurship #Launch #Tools #Design #Sales #Ideation #Strategy

Workshop – Persuasive Communication: the 3 Most Important Skills You Need Right Now

Persuasive Communication – the 3 Most Important Skills You Need Right Now August 2012 WorkshopJuliet Erickson, Author and Communication Consultant (Click here for Presentation Slides) #Communication#Tools#Marketing#Leadership#Programs #Initiatives#Entrepreneurship#Startups#Career

Workshop – Pricing, Business Models, and What Are Things Worth

April  2009 WorkshopPricing, Business Models, and What Are Things Worth Rich Mironov, CMO, Enthiosys#Finance#Metrics#Performance#Sales#Strategy

Workshop – Strategic Networking: A Roadmap to Change Careers or Penetrate a Business Sector

November 2006 WorkshopStrategic Networking: A Roadmap to Change Careers or Penetrate a Business Sector Patti Wilson, Business & Career Coach, Career Company#Career#Strategy#Market_Analysis#Org#Marketing#Planning#Communication

Workshop – Great Demo!

December 2005 WorkshopGreat Demo! Peter Cohan, Second Derivate#Thought_Leadership#Communication#Launch#Marketing#Sales

Workshop – Managing Requirements & Collaborative Product Definition

September 2003 Special Event Managing Requirements & Collaborative Product Definition Workshop Jonathan C. Miller Founder, Chairman and C.E.O. of Truereq Technology #Design #CX #UX #Development #Ideation #Roadmap #Entrepreneurship #Startups