Category: Monthly Meetings

Best Practices in Product Management co-Hosted by Software Development Forum

February 2002Best Practices in Product Management co-Hosted by Software Development Forum (no presentation)Marketing Special Interests Group#Tools #Leadership #Marketing

Top 10 Ways to Roll out New Products Successfully to your Field

January 2002Top 10 Ways to Roll out New Products Successfully to your FieldKathleen Gogan, VP Marketing, Eloquent#Launch #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Readiness #Sales #Marketing #Tools

Holiday Social

December 2001Holiday Social#SVPMA

From PM to CEO: Climbing the Corporate Ladder

November 2001From PM to CEO: Climbing the Corporate Ladder (no presentation)Venk Shukla, CEO, Everypath#Career #Org

What’s the PM job market really like?

September 2001What’s the PM job market really like? (no presentation)Panelists: Patti Wilson, David Woodward and Jim Rose#Career

Are You Interested in Being a More Dynamic and Effective Presenter?

August 2001Are You Interested in Being a More Dynamic and Effective Presenter?David Woodward#Communication #Marketing #Thought_Leadership #Sales

Creating Killer Product Roadmaps

June 2001Creating Killer Product RoadmapsRatnesh Sharma#Roadmap #Tools #Design #Development #Marketing #Communication

Creating Effective Market Strategies for New Products

May 2001Creating Effective Market Strategies for New ProductsCatherine Kitchot#Strategy #Marketing #Launch

Product Management in Turbulent Times

April 2001 Product Management in Turbulent Times#Planning #Strategy #Career

Are You Leveraging Your Sales Channels for Competitive Advantage?

March 2001Are you leveraging your sales channels for competitive advantage? Carl Binder#Sales #Distribution #Marketing #Strategy