
Datacenter Architecture For The Next Decade

“Datacenter Architecture For The Next Decade” with Howard Ting, Senior VP of Marketing at Nutanix, Inc. By Pushpa Chandrashekaraiah March 2015 Event This was a very different topic from most of the SVPMA monthly events, in terms of the topic itself and depth of technical details covered in this session.  Howard Ting talked about how…
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Bootstrap your Business Model: Find Product/ Market Fit with the Back of a Napkin

February 2015Bootstrap your Business Model: Find Product/ Market Fit with the Back of a NapkinBernie Maloney, Agile Coach/ Intra*preneur / Lecturer (no event review available)#Growth #Market_Analysis #Marketing #Design #Tools #Growth #Startups #Entrepreneurship #Readiness #Launch #Strategy #Planning #Finance

A Fireside Chat with Derek Andersen

January Event Review: A Fireside Chat with Derek Andersen, founder and CEO of Startup Grind By Dan Galatin January 2015 Event Derek Andersen was the subject of a freewheeling, lively interview at the January 7th SVPMA meeting.  He fielded questions on startups, bootstrapping, entrepreneurship and many other topics from host Ian Sweeney and the audience.

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Meeting Archives 2014

Meeting Archives 2014 Please click on the link below to see the meetings for that year. 2021 | 2020 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000…
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Shifting To An Experimental Mindset: The Dos And Don’ts Of Hypothesis Testing

“Shifting To An Experimental Mindset: The Dos And Don’ts Of Hypothesis Testing” with Teresa Torres, Product Consultant & Coach, former CEO By Lisa Rathjens December 2014 Event “Wisdom is the balance between knowledge and doubt.” It’s not often that product managers are encouraged to actively question their confidence in their own product ideas. But doubt…
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The Usual Suspects: Solutions Beneath The Surface Of Organizational Chaos

“The Usual Suspects: Solutions Beneath The Surface Of Organizational Chaos” with Dr. Gary Katzenstein, Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley By Pushpa Chandrashekaraiah November 2014 Event Dr. Gary Katzenstein from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley discussed his framework of The Usual Suspects by going over a case study about the United…
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The Leadership Crisis of the Digital Age and What You Can Do About It

October 2014The Leadership Crisis of the Digital Age and What You Can Do About ItDan Kimble, CEO, Resonance Executive Coaching(Event Review Not Available)#Leadership #Org #Startups #Entrepreneurship

Getting Products Out From Under The MIDDLE Of The Bell Curve And Exceeding Expectations

“Getting Products Out From Under The MIDDLE Of The Bell Curve And Exceeding Expectations” with Preston Smalley, Executive Director, Product Management, Comcast  By Dan Galatin September 2014 Event Preston opened by discussing specific techniques and practices for producing excellent products rather than mediocre ones. He began by describing his experience helping to create the first…
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Is Product Management Obsolete?

“Is Product Management Obsolete?” with Rich Mironov, Agile product management expert, start-up exec, author, B2B software guy at Mironov Consulting By Helene Eichler August 2014 Event Rich Mironov delivered a provocative, insightful and entertaining discussion on the “true” meaning of the product management role at SVPMA’s August 6th, 2014 event. Rich boldly stated, “The challenge…
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Better Strategic Product And Business Decisions For Complex Global Markets

Better Strategic Product And Business Decisions For Complex Global Markets with Liesl Leary, Director of Marketing at SDL by Lisa Rathjens  July 2014 Event When product managers think about bringing their products to global audiences, translation of the product content is of first importance.  This is an expensive endeavor, but generally well understood and straightforward. …
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