Tag: Marketing

9 Strategies to Increase Marketing Effectiveness: Enabling Greater Competitive Differentiation and Faster Revenue Growth – Part One

By Michael Cannon The question, “what do we need to do to make Marketing more effective?” has been a topic of discussion in articles and books for decades. The most recent reincarnation of this topic resides under the banner of sales and marketing alignment. And, while there are many good ideas for “what to do”,…
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Solving Complex Problems with Simple Pictures

February Event Review: “Solving Complex Problems with Simple Pictures” with Dan Roam, Founder and President of Digital Roam Inc. by Dan Galatin February 2013 Dan Roam, Founder and President of Digital Roam Inc., presented at the February 6th meeting of the SVPMA.  Dan discussed and demonstrated how we can quickly and easily visualize the essentials…
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5 Easy Steps to Make Your Customer Communications 30 to 50% More Influential

 By Michael Cannon We have all seen the research reports from IDG, AMA, etc. that say about 50% of our customer communications, content and sales conversations, are not relevant to their needs, and that over 50% of the content Marketing

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Meeting Archives 2012

Meeting Archives 2012 Please click on the link below to see the meetings for that year. 2021 | 20202019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 DecemberCreating…
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Marketing the Experience: Applying Product Management Concepts to Services and Events

“Marketing the Experience: Applying Product Management Concepts to Services and Events” with Dr. Juan P. Montermoso, President at Montermoso Associates  By Dan Galatin October 2012 Event Juan Montermoso, President at Montermoso Associates and Professor of Practice in Marketing at Santa Clara University, presented at the October 3rd meeting of the SVPMA.  Dr. Montermoso discussed new elements…
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Estimating Business Value

“Estimating Business Value” with Chris Sims, Founder, Agile Coach, Certified Scrum Trainer at Agile Learning Labs By Tej Ravindra September 2012 Event September’s SVPMA meeting was a rare treat. The audience was actively engaged in hand on estimation, ROI analysis and planning scrums. Chris Sims, an experience Scrum master presented the philosophy and the practice…
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Workshop – Persuasive Communication: the 3 Most Important Skills You Need Right Now

Persuasive Communication – the 3 Most Important Skills You Need Right Now August 2012 WorkshopJuliet Erickson, Author and Communication Consultant (Click here for Presentation Slides) #Communication#Tools#Marketing#Leadership#Programs #Initiatives#Entrepreneurship#Startups#Career

Benefits Realization: The Competitive Advantage

“Benefits Realization: The Competitive Advantage” with Prashanth Naidu Director, Office of CIO at Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) By Pushpa Chandrashekaraiah August 2012 Event Prashanth Naidu leads Strategic and Financial Planning, Portfolio Management and Executive Communications. He discussed how critical it is to set specific goals, measure them consistently and adopt the outcomes to improve processes…
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Career in Product Management – What Next?

Career in Product Management – What Next? with 1) Al Nevarez, VP Product Management of Allegiance, 2) Deb McClanahan, Principal of BroadBand HR Consulting, 3) Eric Carrasquilla, General Manager of Amdocs CRM Division and 4) Justin Schuster, VP Product Marketing of Lithium. Moderator, Greg Geracie, President of Actuation Consulting and author of the book Take…
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What Every Product Manager Needs To Know About UX

“What Every Product Manager Needs to Know about UX” with Glen Lipka, Vice President of User Experience at Marketo By Cindy F. Solomon January 2012 Event Glen Lipka is the Vice President of User Experience at Marketo where he was the first non-founder employee that ran product management and UX for several years of the…
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