Category: Monthly Meetings

The Benefits of Digital Transformation: Drive Product Innovation by Blurring the Lines between Business and Technology

Many companies are hampered by definitive distinctions between various “business” and “technology” silos across their organizations. These can often present real barriers towards transformational product innovation and progress.  But what can happen when you tear down these artificial walls? Incredible, groundbreaking innovations and a dramatically better way to meet and even anticipate customer needs. You…
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Beware! The “Dirty Dozen” Product Management Career Traps to Avoid

Ever feel like you’re just stumbling along in the dark as you navigate your career path in product management? If you’re feeling frustrated, confused, or unsure as to whether you’re on the right track, you’re not alone. Only recently has product management as a career begun to be formalized in university and professional education settings.…
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Making Great Strategy: Arguing Your Way to Strategic Clarity

Is strategy a participation sport at your company? In these chaotic, fast-changing times, everyone should be empowered to contribute. Yet, do you feel more confused about your company’s strategy than ever, or your role in it?  Does the annual planning process make you cringe?  Many executives are frustrated by and/or omitted from their strategy process. …
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How Pricing Accelerates Your Product Management Career

You may not be the one setting prices for your product, but understanding pricing makes you a better product manager. Your most important job is to define successful products. A successful product is one that is accepted by the market and makes money for your company. Price is crucial to both of these. Yet a…
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Making Your Product Famous: What Product Managers Need To Know About PR

As Product Managers, Entrepreneurs, Product Marketers, Owners & Designers, we’ve all dreamed of our own “Steve Jobs” moment, introducing a world-changing product onstage, and making our product famous on stage, screen, the press, and the Internet.  PR coverage is essential for many successful product launches, but how many of us really know today’s media landscape? …
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Start with Experiments: A Product Discovery Approach You Will Actually Use

How can you be customer-centric and hit your deadlines? Product discovery is the best way to validate and test ideas before they are sent to engineering. But teams have trouble being efficient at discovery. They fail to extract enough meaningful insights to make it worth the effort and so they go back to their bad…
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Intellectual Property Issues in the Research, Development, and Sales of Products

Legal issues related to intellectual property can have positive and negative influences on the successful research, development, and sales of technology products.  Awareness of, and planning for, potential negative intellectual property issues can mitigate or avoid risks to the commercial success of new and existing products.  Similarly, the development of intellectual property assets can help…
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Be The Go-To: How to Own Your Competitive Market, Charge More, and Have Customers Love You For It

Are customers failing to see what sets your company or product apart?  What is pushing your prices (and margins) down?  Healthy prices and profits are a company’s lifeblood, critical for funding current operations and future growth.  Yet too many companies or their products look alike.  They are then forced to compete on price alone.  Instead,…
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A photograph of a 1-on-1 meeting

Meet the Career Experts: Managing Your Career in the Age of COVID

Albert Qian’s Slides Sandra Clark’s Slides Tom Brouchoud’s Slides As busy product professionals, we sometimes struggle to focus on career development and manage the growth and progression of our own careers.  Career management during periods of high change and uncertainty also presents additional unique challenges.  2020 has certainly presented more change and uncertainty than any…
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A photo of Roger Grannis

How to Get Salespeople to Love, Promote, and Grow your Product Success

The greatest innovations and products will fail if your sales force does not understand them, embrace them, and sell them. If you would like to learn how to win salespeople over, provide the right information salespeople need to be successful selling your products, and achieve your revenue targets more easily, this program is for you.…
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