Getting your product strategy right is a tough job. Irrespective of the domain and the size of the company, product managers need to have conviction in their strategy and place smart bets. Even if you do all the research in the world up front, it is hard to know all that might go wrong. So how might you improve your ideas and strategy? What do successful PMs do right, time and again? This talk is focused on some of my observations and learnings from working across large enterprises and small companies, and what I have seen to be very effective models of improving your product strategy.
About the Speaker:
Ritu is an engineering leader with over 20 years of experience working across large enterprise companies and small startups. She is a problem solver who excels in building strong, nimble, healthy teams and taking products from inception to launch. Ritu is a strong proponent of Women in Tech and an aspiring story teller. She believes that innovation is an everyday job and everyone’s responsibility in a team. In her current role at Netflix, Ritu is helping to democratize storytelling around the world and building products to power the largest global content platform. She has a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Pune University.