Category: Blog Entry

Decorative photo of lightbulbs in a large pile (not connected or lit, and arranged to form a 'wallpaper' image, tinted blue).

Call for Content!

Are you a Product Manager, Entrepreneur, Product Marketer, or Product Designer/Creator with unique experiences, observations, and skills you would like to share with the larger community of product professionals? As part of our goal of creating more online resources and encouraging collaboration and mentoring between peers and newer PM’s, we are now accepting submissions for…
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Future Family eating dinner in 1999, as imagined in the 1960's.

Happy New Year, Welcome 2021!

As our very long (and short) year of 2020 has drawn to a close, and people begin to look towards the future, I thought I’d share a video I found both amusing and thought provoking. In 1967, Ford/Philco captured their view of what the far-in-the-future year 1999 would look like. Nearly 20 years after this…
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