Are you a Product Manager, Entrepreneur, Product Marketer, or Product Designer/Creator with unique experiences, observations, and skills you would like to share with the larger community of product professionals?
As part of our goal of creating more online resources and encouraging collaboration and mentoring between peers and newer PM’s, we are now accepting submissions for featured articles and blog entries.
- Help Peers & Mentor Newer PM’s.
- Increase skills proficiency and knowledge in the greater community of PM’s.
- Engage the SVPMA audience
- Increase your own visibility as a product leader by contributing to the PM community.
Submission Guidelines:
Target Length: Blog Posts are typically between 500 and 800 words, minimum 200 Words.
Featured Articles may be longer, but we probably don’t want to get much past double a blog-length post. Some longer posts are typically
Subjects & Tagging: Follow the topic-tag guidelines here: https://svpma.org/events/archive-index/
Process: Submit your article for consideration to editor@svpma.org. We can work with you to polish your content, professionally review it by product professionals, and format it for the website.
Images: We have the capability of including graphics/images with your article or post. Posts with at least one image tend to be more popular. Important – Licensing: Images should be public domain, owned by the author, or properly licensed.
Non-Commercial/Advertising: Articles should be of interest and benefit to the product management community, and not an advertisement for goods or services.
All content must follow fair-use and intellectual property guidelines and be written by the submitting author(s). Authors will be credited, and a short “about the author” biographic statement may be included at the end.
Get started on your article today! Be a product thought-leader and lend your Knowledge, Skills, Experience, Thoughts, and Leadership to the Product Management community!