Tag: Innovation

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Product Prioritization the Correct Way presented by Saeed Khan, Founder of Transformation Labs

What do you do when everyone wants everything everywhere all at once?  How do you decide what enhancements and even bugs (since not all are deal breakers) to focus on and in what sequence?  Feature prioritization is a key activity in Product Management.  But when the topic of prioritization comes up, many people don’t actually…
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steve johnson

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Product Management with Steve Johnson, CEO, Product Growth Leaders

Summary ChatGPT has exploded in popularity with the fastest consumer product adoption in history. But what is it and how can it be used in your job? Join us as Steve Johnson discusses using ChatGPT for product management tasks with a practical breakout to use the tool and techniques with your product. He will discuss:…
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Mastering a Product Management Mindset with Alex Gordy, Omnicell

Summary What do most product managers miss when approaching their role? What stifles product innovation and business outcomes? Experienced product leader and coach, Alex Gordy believes that it is a particular “product management mindset” that combines growth mindset, customer-centricity, collaboration, accountability, and risk-taking. In this engaging and interactive presentation, he will share key ingredients for…
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Category Leadership – Magic or Myth? with Ken Rutsky, Consultant, Speaker, Author

Summary Every startup wants to be the next Salesforce, zScaler, or Slack, the creators and dominant forces in their categories.  Beyond accelerating enterprise value growth, category leadership can create a market magic that thrills customers, investors, and employees and also drives competitors crazy with envy.   However, many CEOs and product leaders consider category leadership difficult,…
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Five Reasons Why Your Product is Not Ready for AI… And How To Get There with Ryan Withop, Director of Analytics & Growth at RingCentral

Topic Five Reasons Why Your Product is Not Ready for AI… And How To Get There Speaker Ryan Withop, Director of Analytics & Growth, RingCentral Summary If you spend any amount of time reading about high-tech, it seems as if everyone has artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) as their secret sauce. The reality…
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The Benefits of Digital Transformation: Drive Product Innovation by Blurring the Lines between Business and Technology

Many companies are hampered by definitive distinctions between various “business” and “technology” silos across their organizations. These can often present real barriers towards transformational product innovation and progress.  But what can happen when you tear down these artificial walls? Incredible, groundbreaking innovations and a dramatically better way to meet and even anticipate customer needs. You…
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Meeting Archives 2020

Meeting Archives 2020 Please click on the link below to see the meetings for that year. 2021 | 2020 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000…
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Intellectual Property Issues in the Research, Development, and Sales of Products

Legal issues related to intellectual property can have positive and negative influences on the successful research, development, and sales of technology products.  Awareness of, and planning for, potential negative intellectual property issues can mitigate or avoid risks to the commercial success of new and existing products.  Similarly, the development of intellectual property assets can help…
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A photograph of Greg Geracie

Key Factors that Drive Improved Performance on Product Teams

Successful product development is complex.  It relies upon purposefully melding people, processes, and tools to deliver results.  Given the complexities organizations often lack data about what leads to a successful outcome or the factors that can aid organizations to be more successful.  This webinar examines factors that can increase your product organizations success across the…
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A photograph of Kirsten Berman

The Evolution of the Behavioral Product Manager

Product managers often rely on qualitative research (surveys) to dictate their product development processes, but behavioral science demonstrates that the customer’s word is often unreliable due to cognitive biases at play. The evolving world of product design & development requires that product leaders incorporate the science of human behavior in a more rigorous way than…
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