Every startup wants to be the next Salesforce, zScaler, or Slack, the creators and dominant forces in their categories. Beyond accelerating enterprise value growth, category leadership can create a market magic that thrills customers, investors, and employees and also drives competitors crazy with envy.
However, many CEOs and product leaders consider category leadership difficult, expensive, and “not for them.” In this interactive presentation and discussion, Ken Rutsky will help you understand whether category leadership is right for your company (hint: it probably is) and how and why product management is a critical part of the category leadership journey. Whether you are running a new startup, launching a new product line, entering a new market, or reviving an old one, this session will help you take your next step to market dominance.
About the Speaker
Ken Rutsky is a go-to-market strategy, narrative, messaging, and category leadership expert and innovator based in Silicon Valley. Ken’s clients have generated over $20B in market capitalization by dominating their early- and later-stage categories. Ken is the author of the Amazon bestseller Launching to Leading: How B2B Market Leaders Create Flashmobs, Marshal Parades, and Ignite Movements and the upcoming book, Category Magic – The Startup Guide To Category Discovery, Delivery and Domination. You can learn more about Ken and his practice at kenrutsky.com and download his free Category Snapshot Tool at kenrutsky.com/categorysnapshot.